Creating a Vision (Fall 2010)
Objectives: How to create a vision and maintain it through implementation.
Simulation: Developed an environment where Visionary Leadership was realized from paper to physical product.
Objectives: How to create a vision and maintain it through implementation.
Simulation: Developed an environment where Visionary Leadership was realized from paper to physical product.

Assessment Center (Spring 2011)
Objectives: Identify and assess personal ability within key leadership dimensions.
Simulation: Created a development assessment center where key leadership abilities were graded by rubrics.
Objectives: Identify and assess personal ability within key leadership dimensions.
Simulation: Created a development assessment center where key leadership abilities were graded by rubrics.

Decision Making Process (Fall 2011)
Objectives: Understand the impact decisions can have regardless of the position of a decision maker within an organization.
Simulation: Created a real time market competition with stock price fluctuations reflecting decisional impact of various levels of leadership.
Objectives: Understand the impact decisions can have regardless of the position of a decision maker within an organization.
Simulation: Created a real time market competition with stock price fluctuations reflecting decisional impact of various levels of leadership.

Leading Change (Spring 2012)
Objectives: Understand that change is inevitable and one must adapt to it.
Simulation: Immersion in difficult challenges where a defined scenario was proposed and changed throughout the performance of the session.
Objectives: Understand that change is inevitable and one must adapt to it.
Simulation: Immersion in difficult challenges where a defined scenario was proposed and changed throughout the performance of the session.

Etiquette/Perception (Fall 2012)
Objectives: Understand that etiquette and perception can shape the impressions one makes with potential investors/customers.
Simulation: Created a number of sessions where participants competed to solve different challenges in etiquette. An example was to have teams determine the most efficient seven course place setting.
Objectives: Understand that etiquette and perception can shape the impressions one makes with potential investors/customers.
Simulation: Created a number of sessions where participants competed to solve different challenges in etiquette. An example was to have teams determine the most efficient seven course place setting.